proxy越しのgem install
C:\Ruby>gem install rails -y INFO: `gem install -y` is now default and will be removed INFO: use --ignore-dependencies to install only the gems you list ERROR: does not appear to be a repository ERROR: could not find gem rails locally or in a repository C:\Ruby>set http_proxy= C:\Ruby>gem install rails -y INFO: `gem install -y` is now default and will be removed INFO: use --ignore-dependencies to install only the gems you list Successfully installed rake-0.8.7 Successfully installed activesupport-2.3.3 Successfully installed activerecord-2.3.3 Successfully installed rack-1.0.0 Successfully installed actionpack-2.3.3 Successfully installed actionmailer-2.3.3 Successfully installed activeresource-2.3.3 Successfully installed rails-2.3.3 8 gems installed Installing ri documentation for rake-0.8.7... Installing ri documentation for activesupport-2.3.3... Installing ri documentation for activerecord-2.3.3... Installing ri documentation for rack-1.0.0... Installing ri documentation for actionpack-2.3.3... Installing ri documentation for actionmailer-2.3.3... Installing ri documentation for activeresource-2.3.3... Installing RDoc documentation for rake-0.8.7... Installing RDoc documentation for activesupport-2.3.3... Installing RDoc documentation for activerecord-2.3.3... Installing RDoc documentation for rack-1.0.0... Installing RDoc documentation for actionpack-2.3.3... Installing RDoc documentation for actionmailer-2.3.3... Installing RDoc documentation for activeresource-2.3.3... C:\Ruby>
たのしいRuby 第2版 Rubyではじめる気軽なプログラミング
- 作者: 高橋征義,後藤裕蔵
- 出版社/メーカー: ソフトバンククリエイティブ
- 発売日: 2006/08/05
- メディア: 単行本
- 購入: 11人 クリック: 350回
- この商品を含むブログ (264件) を見る