$ gem server
[c:\] $ gem sources -a http://gems.github.com http://gems.github.com added to sources [c:\] $ gem install manalang-bdoc mislav-hanna Successfully installed configuration-0.0.5 Successfully installed launchy-0.3.3 Successfully installed json-1.1.9-x86-mswin32 Successfully installed manalang-bdoc-0.2.2 Successfully installed rdoc-2.3.0 Successfully installed haml-2.0.10 Successfully installed mislav-hanna-0.1.8 7 gems installed Installing ri documentation for launchy-0.3.3... Installing ri documentation for json-1.1.9-x86-mswin32... Installing ri documentation for manalang-bdoc-0.2.2... Installing ri documentation for rdoc-2.3.0... Installing ri documentation for haml-2.0.10... Updating ri class cache with 3326 classes... Installing RDoc documentation for launchy-0.3.3... Installing RDoc documentation for json-1.1.9-x86-mswin32... Installing RDoc documentation for manalang-bdoc-0.2.2... Installing RDoc documentation for rdoc-2.3.0... Installing RDoc documentation for haml-2.0.10...
hannaの実行は? (xargsないんですけど。orz)
# gem list --no-versions | xargs hanna --gems
Windows環境でもCygwinなひとはこれで実行できますが、ふつーのWindowsにはxargs様がいらっしゃいません。代わりにこんな風にやってみました("gem list --no-versions | ruby -ne 'print "hanna --gems ", $_' | cmd"だけ入力)↓
[c:\] $ gem list --no-versions | ruby -ne 'print "hanna --gems ", $_' | cmd Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. [c:\] $ hanna --gems actionmailer Installing RDoc documentation for actionmailer-2.3.3... [c:\] $ hanna --gems actionpack Installing RDoc documentation for actionpack-2.3.3...