

PacketBellというフリーソフトウェアCap.csソースコードにpcap_open()等を利用する例があり、このコードを再利用して*.pcapをロードできるようにメソッド"public int Load(string path)"を追加してみました。

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;

public class Cap
    struct pcap_if
        public IntPtr next;       //    struct pcap_if *next;
        public IntPtr name;       //	char *name;		/* name to hand to "pcap_open_live()" */
        public IntPtr description;//	char *description;	/* textual description of interface, or NULL */
        public IntPtr addresses;  //	struct pcap_addr *addresses;
        public uint flags;        //	bpf_u_int32 flags;	/* PCAP_IF_ interface flags */
    public struct pcap_pkthdr
        public int tv_sec;         /* seconds */
        public int tv_usec;        /* and microseconds */
        public uint caplen;    	   /* length of portion present */
        public uint len;     	   /* length this packet (off wire) */
    public struct ethernet_hdstr
        public byte dst0; public byte dst1; public byte dst2;
        public byte dst3; public byte dst4; public byte dst5;
        public byte src0; public byte src1; public byte src2;
        public byte src3; public byte src4; public byte src5;
        public byte type_u; public byte type_l;
    public struct ip_hdstr
        public byte version_length;
        public byte differentiated_services_field;
        public byte total_length_u; public byte total_length_l;
        public byte identification_u; public byte identification_l;
        public byte flags; byte fragment_offset;
        public byte time_to_live;
        public byte protocol;
        public byte checksum_u; public byte checksum_l;
        public byte src0; public byte src1; public byte src2; public byte src3;
        public byte dst0; public byte dst1; public byte dst2; public byte dst3;
    public struct tcp_hdstr
        public byte src_u; public byte src_l;
        public byte dst_u; public byte dst_l;
        public byte seq0; public byte seq1; public byte seq2; public byte seq3;
        public byte ack0; public byte ack1; public byte ack2; public byte ack3;
        public byte length;
        public byte flags;
        public byte window_u; public byte window_l;
        public byte checksum_u; public byte checksum__l;
    struct udp_hdstr
        public byte src_u; public byte src_l;
        public byte dst_u; public byte dst_l;
        public byte length_u; public byte length_l;
        public byte checksum_u; public byte checksum__l;

    private static extern int pcap_findalldevs_ex(string source, ref IntPtr auth, ref IntPtr alldevs, StringBuilder errbuf);
    private static extern int pcap_findalldevs(ref IntPtr alldevs, StringBuilder errbuf);
    private static extern int pcap_freealldevs(ref IntPtr alldevs);
    private static extern IntPtr pcap_open(string source, int snaplen, int flags, int read_timeout, ref IntPtr auth, StringBuilder errbuf);
    private static extern int pcap_next_ex(IntPtr adhandle, ref IntPtr header, ref IntPtr pkt_data);
    private const string PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING = "rpcap://";
    private const int PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE = 256;
    private const int PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS = 1;
    public const int ETHERNET_HDSTR_LENGTH = 14;
    public const int NAME = 0;
    public const int DESC = 1;
    public const int SEC = 0;
    public const int USEC = 1;
    public const int NOPROTO = 1;
    public const int PORT = 4;
    private int dev_num = 0;
    IntPtr alldevsPtr = new IntPtr();
    IntPtr adhandlePtr;
    /* Find All Devices
       return: number of devices found
    public int FindAllDevs()
        IntPtr auth = new IntPtr();
        StringBuilder errbuf = new StringBuilder(PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
        if (pcap_findalldevs_ex(PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING, ref auth, ref alldevsPtr, errbuf) == -1)
            Debug.Write("Error in pcap_findalldevs:" + errbuf);
            return -1;
        IntPtr devPtr = alldevsPtr;
        pcap_if dev;
        dev_num = 0;
        while (!devPtr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
            dev = (pcap_if)Marshal.PtrToStructure(devPtr, typeof(pcap_if));
            devPtr =;
        return dev_num;
    public string[,] DevNames()
        string[,] r = new string[dev_num, 2];
        pcap_if dev;
        int i = 0;
        IntPtr devPtr = alldevsPtr;
        while (!devPtr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
            dev = (pcap_if)Marshal.PtrToStructure(devPtr, typeof(pcap_if));
            r[i, NAME] = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(;
            if (!dev.description.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
                r[i, DESC] = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(dev.description);
            devPtr =;
        return r;
    public int Open(int inum)
        IntPtr auth = new IntPtr();
        StringBuilder errbuf = new StringBuilder(PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
        if (inum < 0 || dev_num <= inum)
            Debug.Write("Out of bound:" + inum + "\n");
            return -2;
        IntPtr devPtr = alldevsPtr;
        pcap_if dev = (pcap_if)Marshal.PtrToStructure(devPtr, typeof(pcap_if));
        for (int i = 0; i < inum; i++)
            devPtr =;
            dev = (pcap_if)Marshal.PtrToStructure(devPtr, typeof(pcap_if));
        string devname = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(;
        // Debug.Write("\nOpening "+devname+" ...\n");
        adhandlePtr = pcap_open(devname,
                                       65536,            // portion of the packet to capture. 
                                                         // 65536 guarantees that the whole packet will be captured on all the link layers
                                       PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS,    // promiscuous mode
                                       1000,             // read timeout
                                       ref auth,         // authentication on the remote machine
                                       errbuf            // error buffer
        if (adhandlePtr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
            Debug.Write("\nUnable to open the adapter. " + Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi( + " is not supported by WinPcap\n");
            return -1;
        return 0;
    public int Load(string path)
        string devname = "file://" + path;
        IntPtr auth = new IntPtr();
        StringBuilder errbuf = new StringBuilder(PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
        adhandlePtr = pcap_open(devname,
                                65536,                  // portion of the packet to capture. 
                                                        // 65536 guarantees that the whole packet will be captured on all the link layers
                                0,                      // promiscuous mode
                                1000,                   // read timeout
                                ref auth,               // authentication on the remote machine
                                errbuf                  // error buffer
        if (adhandlePtr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))
            throw new ApplicationException("\nUnable to load dumped file: " + path);
        return 0;
    IntPtr headerPtr = new IntPtr();
    IntPtr pkt_dataPtr = new IntPtr();
    private int next(ref long[] time, ref int proto, ref int[] src, ref int[] dst, ref string payload, bool pay_flag)
        int res;
        res = pcap_next_ex(adhandlePtr, ref headerPtr, ref pkt_dataPtr);
        if (res < 1) return res;
        pcap_header = (pcap_pkthdr)Marshal.PtrToStructure(headerPtr, typeof(pcap_pkthdr));
        ethernet_header = (ethernet_hdstr)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pkt_dataPtr, typeof(ethernet_hdstr));
        time[SEC] = pcap_header.tv_sec;
        time[USEC] = pcap_header.tv_usec;
        proto = NOPROTO; int offset = 0;
        if (ethernet_header.type_u == 0x8 && ethernet_header.type_l == 0)
            ip_header = (ip_hdstr)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)((int)pkt_dataPtr + 14), typeof(ip_hdstr));
            src[0] = ip_header.src0; src[1] = ip_header.src1; src[2] = ip_header.src2; src[3] = ip_header.src3;
            dst[0] = ip_header.dst0; dst[1] = ip_header.dst1; dst[2] = ip_header.dst2; dst[3] = ip_header.dst3;
            proto = ip_header.protocol;
            if ((ip_header.version_length & 0xf0) == 0x40)
                offset = ETHERNET_HDSTR_LENGTH + 4 * (ip_header.version_length & 0xf);
                if (ip_header.protocol == 0x11)
                {       // UDP
                    udp_header = (udp_hdstr)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)((int)pkt_dataPtr + offset), typeof(udp_hdstr));
                    src[PORT] = udp_header.src_u * 256 + udp_header.src_l; dst[PORT] = udp_header.dst_u * 256 + udp_header.dst_l;
                    offset += 8;
                else if (ip_header.protocol == 0x6)
                { //tcp
                    tcp_header = (tcp_hdstr)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)((int)pkt_dataPtr + offset), typeof(tcp_hdstr));
                    src[PORT] = tcp_header.src_u * 256 + tcp_header.src_l; dst[PORT] = tcp_header.dst_u * 256 + tcp_header.dst_l;
                    offset += (tcp_header.length & 0xf0) / 4;
        if (pay_flag)
            payload = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)((int)pkt_dataPtr + offset), (int)pcap_header.len - offset);
        return res;
    public int next(ref long[] time, ref int proto, ref int[] src, ref int[] dst, ref string p)
        return next(ref time, ref proto, ref src, ref dst, ref p, true);
    string dummy_s = "";
    public int next(ref long[] time, ref int proto, ref int[] src, ref int[] dst)
        return next(ref time, ref proto, ref src, ref dst, ref dummy_s, false);
    public pcap_pkthdr pcap_header;
    public ethernet_hdstr ethernet_header;
    public ip_hdstr ip_header;
    udp_hdstr udp_header;
    tcp_hdstr tcp_header;


public void Load(string path)
    Cap cap = new Cap();
    long[] times = new long[2];
    int proto = -1;
    int[] src = new int[5];
    int[] dst = new int[5];
    string data = "";
    int result;
    while ((result = times, ref proto, ref src, ref dst, ref data)) != -2)
        if (result != 1) continue;
        if (src[Cap.PORT] != 80) continue; // HTTPだけ処理する場合
        /* 目的のパケットを解析する処理 */
